Continuing in the Methodist tradition, we value the ministry of each member of the local church. The local church cannot accomplish its mission without faithful lay and pastoral leadership who continually look to the Holy Spirit for guidance in all matters.
Within the structure, the College exists to support the ministries of the local church. As the center for evangelism, discipleship, missional engagement, corporate worship, and decision making, the local church equips its people to live, lead, and serve faithfully in their local community.
Maintaining faithfulness in ownership and stewardship of local church property, assets, and financial resources.
Maintaining compliance with the Book of Doctrine and Order.
Nominating and electing church members for leadership roles in the local church.
Nominating and electing one lay delegate per pastor for representation at the College level. Approving, supervising, and making employment decisions regarding pastoral leaders and lay staff. Creating and implementing the core ministries of the local church: corporate worship, evangelism, discipleship, and missions.
Managing local church administrative functions. Serving as a community for those who receive a call to pastoral ministry.
The local church is also the primary site of ministry for pastoral leaders.
In MCC churches, pastoral leaders are expected to:
Uphold faithfulness to the Book of Doctrine and Order
Identify and equip lay leadership.
Work with lay leadership to order the life of the church in worship, administration, mission, and ministry.
Lead by example in following Christ in both personal and social holiness, including but not limited to personal spiritual disciplines, servant leadership in the wider community, and stewardship of personal financial resources.
While it is up to the local church to determine a model of leadership structure conducive to its context, each local church will elect from its membership lay leaders who work with the pastor to manage the administrative and missional life of the church in the areas of:
Human resources (Pastor Parish Relations or equivalent, with the authority to make employment decisions regarding pastoral leaders).
Management of Property and Assets (Trustees).
Financial Stewardship (Finance).
Church Administrative Board (or equivalent).
Also vital to the mission of the local church is each member fulfilling the vows of membership:
Gifts - Stewarding personal financial resources in support of the church
Serving - Where gifts and need align
Witness - Living a life that bears witness to the Risen Christ.
Many will serve as teachers, mission volunteers, greeters, servers, and beyond. Each member and role is of equal significance in the work of the Kingdom.